Quick Morning Workout

Alright, my evening workout lovelies and my morning lovelies too. This post is that shows you a quick workout that you can do every morning.

I’m not talking about getting around to exercising when you feel like it, but as soon as you open your eyes, roll off the bed and do this quick exercise to kickstart your metabolism and get your heart pumping to make your day start off right.


Right, now that I got you guys motivated, let me state the kinds of workout that will be done and the benefits of them.



The primary reason jumping jacks are valuable is that your heart rate rises significantly because of the work your body has to do to move in entirety over and over again.

An elevated heart rate leads to your body burning off more calories, which leads to your body burning fat and slimming down.

Blood circulation is enhanced by breathing deeply while doing jumping jacks for weight reduction and your body is able to deliver more oxygen to your muscles in addition to your bloodstream. As a result, you burn off fat which promotes weight reduction. Not only are you able to slim down, you are able to strengthen your cardiovascular system.

(Taken from Leanwife.com)



Want a bigger bootie, do some squats. Want to tone your legs do some squats. So basically, squats are life! Squat are a great way to get a total lower body workout. They effectively work most of the major muscle groups of the butt, hips and thighs. Squats are also a versatile exercise. They can be done in almost any location, with or without the use of weights or equipment.



Crunches are an amazing exercise that targets your abdominal muscles. When you perform crunches and exercises such as pushups, side planks and glute bridges, you teach the muscles in this region to work in a coordinated manner. Since most athletic activities require core movements, this coordination can significantly improve your balance during everyday life.


woman pushed from the floor

This is one exercise I dread to do. Gravity loves my body apparently because every time I go down, gravity keeps me down.

Pushups can be performed no matter where you are, and best of all, they are completely free – no expensive equipment or annual gym fees required! The benefits of pushups are plentiful. Pushups will improve muscular endurance within the upper body, strengthen both muscles and bones, create lean muscle mass that raises your metabolism and, of course, help keep you fit and healthy.

If you’re just looking to develop a great chest, arms and shoulders, you could do much worse than follow along with the hundred If you’re just looking to develop a great chest, arms and shoulders, you could do much worse than follow along with the hundred push ups plan. Your core strength will also go through the roof too!  (Taken from One Hundred Pushups)



It seems as if lunges is the sister exercise to squats since they cover most of the same things.

Whether you are looking to slip into a pair of skinny jeans or sport a flirty miniskirt, lunges are one of the most effective exercises for shaping your legs and bottom. Lunges target the quadriceps, but involve additional muscles, including the glutes, hamstrings, calves and core muscles, making them an important exercise for toning the lower body.

They are also back-friendly, because of the need to keep your back straight and your chest lifted, so you have little risk of back strain. Include must-do lunges in your regular workout routine to get lean, shapely legs and a firm bottom.  (Taken from The Nest)



Planks are an ideal exercise for the abdominal muscles exactly because they engage all major core muscle groups including the transverse abdominous, the rectus abdominousthe external oblique muscle, and the glutes. The importance of strengthening each muscle group cannot be underestimated either, for all of these groups serve their own purpose. Taken from Life Hack


Well, there you have it, six exercise for you to do every morning AS SOON AS YOU WAKE UP! Don’t wimp out and say that you will do it tomorrow because “why put off for tomorrow, what you can do today?”

If this blog post was too long for you and you want a simpler way to remember what exercises to do on a morning, I created a simple graphic that you can save to your electronic devices or to even print out and place on your wall. That’s how much I love you guys, so enjoy.



4 Comments Add yours

  1. [ Smiles ] Great! I hope that you are sticking to your exercise routine!

    I am also eager to see you make some progress in the area of health and fitness.

    Do have yourself a wonderful day!

  2. Swimming is also an excellent full cardio workout. It minimizes the pressure on your joints so that you can enjoy a full workout without pain, complications, or excuses. To add to your list you can look into burpees, assisted pullups, and mountain climbers. 🙂

    1. Hey, this is a quick morning workout, not a full blown workout. But thank you for the ideas for a full workout

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